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David has been a family law specialist for 30 years. Formerly a solicitor, David transferred to the Bar in 2010. David has represented all parties in Public and Private Law Family cases. David spent 10 years as an in –house local authority solicitor in South Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. David has also worked in several highly thought of Private Practice solicitors firms throughout the region and has dealt with financial remedy matters including high worth cases. David brings to his practice a degree of common sense and skill which comes from his years of varied experience.
Public Law Children
NELC V B Representing the Children in a complex Fact Finding hearing in which issues of illness fabrication, exaggeration or induction in the child of the family by the mother. The Local Authority and mother were represented by Queens Counsel. The matter included extensive cross examination of medical expert witnesses over a 14 day hearing in the High Court.
Private Law Children
LCC v S Representing a father with learning difficulties in an application for Care and Placement Orders in which father was assisted by an advocacy service . Representation included extremely sensitive representation of a parent with clear vulnerabilities but who did have capacity to instruct.
North Eastern Circuit
Family Law Bar Association